Common Questions
- What does a typical "Project Lifecycle" look like in Cenefits?
- How does the pricing model work?
- Is our data safe with Cenefits?
- Can our users upload personal data?
- How do I report an issue or ask a technical question?
- How can I make sure Cenefits emails don't get sent to my Spam folder?
- How do I resend an invitation to a user?
- How to create multiple new benefits with the same new user?
- How do I automatically expand the columns in downloaded reports?
- Why is a Benefit showing in a particular Upload or Check view?
- How are Red / Amber / Green statuses for Projects calculated?
- Should there be more than one organisation per Supplier?
- Can I login to more than one organisation with the same email address?
- What password should I use?
- Which browsers do you support?
- Can I install Cenefits on my phone or tablet?
- Can we pay you to add a feature?
- What does each Benefit Status mean?