How are Red / Amber / Green statuses for Projects calculated?

Last updated by Tom Inglis on March 19, 2023 16:53

We separately sum four values: the number of Benefits, the amount of Benefit Value, Benefit Points and Emissions Savings supposed to have be delivered (i.e. the Benefit Completion Date has passed and they have not been Substituted) in the Benefits within a Project at any one time.

We separately compare these four values against the amounts of each delivered so far in Benefits that are marked as Delivered or Partially Delivered*, within this same Project.

For each of the four values, if they are at 100%, when the Project is In Progress or Completed, then they will show as Green.

For each of the four values, if they are between 80 and 100%, when the Project is In Progress or Completed, then they will show as Amber.

For each of the four values, if they are between 0 and 80%, when the Project is In Progress or Completed, then they will show as Red.

*In order for Partially Delivered Benefit values to be measured, Buyer Project Managers have to enter Delivered Benefit Value, Delivered Benefit Points and Delivered Emissions Savings on the Edit Benefit view, once they have selected Partially Delivered as the Benefit Status.