How to add an administrator to your Supplier or Delivery Partner organisation
By default, all users created within Suppliers and Delivery Partners are users, not administrators, and there is no cost associated with them.
Users will receive email notifications for the Benefits that they are assigned to, can login and submit evidence and scores for these Benefits, edit their profile, and access our technical support.
In addition to the features outlined above, Administrators can invite new employees to your organisation, can mass assign and unassign them from Benefits, and can download reports which give them an overview of all Benefits being delivered by your organisation. This includes the evidence and scores provided by the Buyer's Contributor, the Supplier and the Delivery Partner(s) for each Benefit.
If you would like to assign one or more of the users in your organisation as administrators there is a cost of £10 +VAT per user per month associated with this. Please get in touch if you would like us to arrange this.